Planung, Organisation, Führung und Kontrolle von Ressourcen und Prozessen

Diversity Coaching
Autor:in Silke Schulz

Mindful Leadership: Trend oder Schlüsselrolle?
Autor:in Anke Steiner

New Work Methoden im Systemischen Coaching
Autor:in Arabella Waldhauser

Coaching und agiles Arbeiten: Analogien
Autor:in Mathias Holterhoff

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Unser Infoabend findet jeweils ab 18 Uhr statt und dauert ca. 2,5 Stunden.
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What makes a good coach and what training do I need to become a really good coach? The first question could be answered with
- personality
- empathy
- specialist knowledge
- experience
and probably many more qualities - but how do you learn that? Even the greatest expertise and the best intervention are of little help if there is no personal contact with the client. In order to learn this, you can acquire techniques and work on your own sore points and construction sites.
You can find more information on the individual modules here: Systemic Coaching Training Modules
We offer our participants the payment option “corporate customer” and the payment option “self-payer”, whereby different course fees may apply. A corporate customer within the meaning of our General Terms and Conditions is a participant who receives payment for course attendance via their employer, is themselves an employer or is self-employed. If the course participant provides a business address for the invoice address in this context, i.e. if the invoice recipient is a business customer (not a consumer), the course participant shall be classified as a business customer irrespective of the information provided to date. A self-payer within the meaning of our GTC exists if the participant pays for the course participation himself, i.e. not through his employer, and is neither an employer nor self-employed. Consequently, the course participant is then a consumer and books the course participation in his/her capacity as a consumer. The course participant is obliged to provide truthful information.
Seminar | FIRMENTRAINING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH SEPTEMBER 2025 FRANKFURT |
Freie Plätze | 4 |
Datum | 19.09.2025 – 20.06.2026 |
Preis | EUR 7'990.00 – 8'490.00 |
Kontakt | InKonstellation GmbH Zülpicher Straße 357 50935 Köln Tel. 022128275300 |
Anmeldeschluss | 18.09.2025 16:00 |
Status | Für Anmeldungen geöffnet |
Nr. | Datum von | Datum bis | Ort | Beschreibung |
1 | 19.09.2025 10:00 | 21.09.2025 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 1 |
2 | 07.11.2025 10:00 | 09.11.2025 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 2 |
3 | 05.12.2025 10:00 | 07.12.2025 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 3 |
4 | 23.01.2026 10:00 | 25.01.2026 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 4 |
5 | 20.02.2026 10:00 | 22.02.2026 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 5 |
6 | 20.03.2026 10:00 | 22.03.2026 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 6 |
7 | 24.04.2026 10:00 | 26.04.2026 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 7 |
8 | 29.05.2026 10:00 | 31.05.2026 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 8 |
9 | 19.06.2026 10:00 | 20.06.2026 19:00 | Seminarräume Frankfurt - Adresse folgt | FIRMENTRAING Systemisches Coaching im Business ENGLISCH September 2025 Frankfurt Modul 9 |

InKonstellation GmbH
Zülpicher Straße 357
50935 Köln
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Unser IHK Zertifikat wird von der Industrie- und Handelskammer Hannover vergeben.
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